
  • Cost calculations. TODO: PR EVM to make those cost calculations public.
  • Provide checks related to function modifiers (view/payable).
  • Provide utils assemble precompiles and precompilesets into a final precompile set with security checks. All security checks are enabled by default and must be disabled explicely throught type annotations.
  • Utils related to Substrate features:




  • Handle provided to a precompile to interact with the EVM.
  • Trait similar to fp_evm::Precompile but with a &self parameter to manage some state (this state is only kept in a single transaction and is lost afterward).


  • Return an error with provided (static) text. Using the revert function of Gasometer is preferred as erroring consumed all the gas limit and the error message is not easily retrievable.

Type Definitions

  • Alias for Result returning an EVM precompile error.