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Provide utils assemble precompiles and precompilesets into a final precompile set with security checks. All security checks are enabled by default and must be disabled explicely throught type annotations.


  • DELEGATECALL is allowed. Should be used with care if the precompile use custom storage, as the caller could impersonate its own caller.
  • DELEGATECALL is forbiden.
  • A precompile can (even indirectly) call itself with N levels of nesting. 0 = anyone can call the precompile but a subcall of the precompile will not be able to call it back (re-entrancy protection).
  • Wraps a stateless precompile: a type implementing the Precompile trait. Type parameters allow to define:
  • Wraps a tuple of PrecompileSetFragment to make a real PrecompileSet.
  • Wraps an inner PrecompileSet with all its addresses starting with a common prefix. Type parameters allow to define:
  • Wraps a precompileset fragment into a range, and will skip processing it if the address is out of the range.
  • Make a precompile that always revert. Can be useful when writing tests.
  • Wraps a stateful precompile: a type implementing the StatefulPrecompile trait. Type parameters allow to define:
  • There is no limit to the amount times a precompiles can call itself recursively. Should be used with care as it could cause stack overflows.


  • Is DELEGATECALL allowed to use for a precompile.
  • A fragment of a PrecompileSet. Should be implemented as is it was a PrecompileSet containing only the precompile(set) it wraps. They can be combined into a real PrecompileSet using PrecompileSetBuilder.
  • How much recursion is allows for a precompile.


Type Definitions