pub struct Runtime;



impl Runtime


pub fn metadata() -> RuntimeMetadataPrefixed


pub fn metadata_at_version(version: u32) -> Option<OpaqueMetadata>


pub fn metadata_versions() -> Vec<u32>

Trait Implementations§


impl AccountNonceApiV1<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, u32> for Runtime


fn account_nonce(account: AccountId) -> Index

Get current account nonce of given AccountId.

impl AuraApiV1<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>, Public> for Runtime


fn slot_duration() -> SlotDuration

Returns the slot duration for Aura. Read more

fn authorities() -> Vec<AuraId>

Return the current set of authorities.

impl BlockBuilderV6<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn apply_extrinsic( extrinsic: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic ) -> ApplyExtrinsicResult

Apply the given extrinsic. Read more

fn finalize_block() -> <Block as BlockT>::Header

Finish the current block.

fn inherent_extrinsics(data: InherentData) -> Vec<<Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic>

Generate inherent extrinsics. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.

fn check_inherents(block: Block, data: InherentData) -> CheckInherentsResult

Check that the inherents are valid. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.

impl CallerTrait<<Runtime as Config>::AccountId> for OriginCaller


fn into_system(self) -> Option<RawOrigin<<Runtime as Config>::AccountId>>

Extract the signer from the message if it is a Signed origin.

fn as_system_ref(&self) -> Option<&RawOrigin<<Runtime as Config>::AccountId>>

Extract a reference to the system-level RawOrigin if it is that.

fn as_signed(&self) -> Option<&AccountId>

Extract the signer from it if a system Signed origin, None otherwise.

fn is_root(&self) -> bool

Returns true if self is a system Root origin, None otherwise.

fn is_none(&self) -> bool

Returns true if self is a system None origin, None otherwise.

impl Clone for Runtime


fn clone(&self) -> Runtime

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl CollectCollationInfoV2<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn collect_collation_info(header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header) -> CollationInfo

Collect information about a collation. Read more

impl Config<()> for Runtime


type Balance = u128

The type for recording an account’s balance.


type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The ubiquitous event type.


type AccountStore = Pallet<Runtime>

The means of storing the balances of an account.

type DustRemoval = ()

Handler for the unbalanced reduction when removing a dust account.

type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit

The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO! Read more

type FreezeIdentifier = ()

The ID type for freezes.

type MaxFreezes = ConstU32<0>

The maximum number of individual freeze locks that can exist on an account at any time.

type MaxHolds = ConstU32<0>

The maximum number of holds that can exist on an account at any time.

type MaxLocks = MaxLocks

The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.

type MaxReserves = MaxReserves

The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account.

type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8]

The ID type for reserves. Read more

type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason

The overarching hold reason.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config<()> for Runtime


type ApproveOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

Origin from which approvals must come.

type Burn = ()

Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period.

type BurnDestination = ()

Handler for the unbalanced decrease when treasury funds are burned.

type Currency = Pallet<Runtime, ()>

The staking balance.

type MaxApprovals = MaxApprovals

The maximum number of approvals that can wait in the spending queue. Read more

type OnSlash = Pallet<Runtime, ()>

Handler for the unbalanced decrease when slashing for a rejected proposal or bounty.

type PalletId = TreasuryId

The treasury’s pallet id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.

type ProposalBond = ProposalBond

Fraction of a proposal’s value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal. An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not.

type ProposalBondMaximum = ()

Maximum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.

type ProposalBondMinimum = ProposalBondMinimum

Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.

type RejectOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

Origin from which rejections must come.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type SpendFunds = ()

Runtime hooks to external pallet using treasury to compute spend funds.

type SpendOrigin = NeverEnsureOrigin<u128>

The origin required for approving spends from the treasury outside of the proposal process. The Success value is the maximum amount that this origin is allowed to spend at a time.

type SpendPeriod = SpendPeriod

Period between successive spends.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type FeeMultiplierUpdate = TargetedFeeAdjustment<Runtime, TargetBlockFullness, AdjustmentVariable, MinimumMultiplier, MaximumMultiplier>

Update the multiplier of the next block, based on the previous block’s weight.

type LengthToFee = ConstantMultiplier<u128, TransactionByteFee>

Convert a length value into a deductible fee based on the currency type.

type OnChargeTransaction = CurrencyAdapter<Pallet<Runtime, ()>, ()>

Handler for withdrawing, refunding and depositing the transaction fee. Transaction fees are withdrawn before the transaction is executed. After the transaction was executed the transaction weight can be adjusted, depending on the used resources by the transaction. If the transaction weight is lower than expected, parts of the transaction fee might be refunded. In the end the fees can be deposited.

type OperationalFeeMultiplier = OperationalFeeMultiplier

A fee mulitplier for Operational extrinsics to compute “virtual tip” to boost their priority Read more

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type WeightToFee = IdentityFee<u128>

Convert a weight value into a deductible fee based on the currency type.

impl Config for Runtime


type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall

A sudo-able call.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type WeightInfo = ()

Type representing the weight of this pallet

impl Config for Runtime


type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

The origin that is allowed to call privileged operations on the XCM pallet

type AdvertisedXcmVersion = CurrentXcmVersion

The latest supported version that we advertise. Generally just set it to pallet_xcm::CurrentXcmVersion.

type Currency = Pallet<Runtime, ()>

A lockable currency.

type CurrencyMatcher = ()

The MultiAsset matcher for Currency.

type ExecuteXcmOrigin = EnsureXcmOrigin<RuntimeOrigin, SignedToAccountId32<RuntimeOrigin, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, RelayNetwork>>

Required origin for executing XCM messages, including the teleport functionality. If successful, then it resolves to MultiLocation which exists as an interior location within this chain’s XCM context.

type MaxLockers = ConstU32<8>

The maximum number of local XCM locks that a single account may have.

type MaxRemoteLockConsumers = ConstU32<0>

The maximum number of consumers a single remote lock may have.

type RemoteLockConsumerIdentifier = ()

The ID type for local consumers of remote locks.

type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall

The runtime Call type.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin

The runtime Origin type.

type SendXcmOrigin = EnsureXcmOrigin<RuntimeOrigin, ()>

Required origin for sending XCM messages. If successful, it resolves to MultiLocation which exists as an interior location within this chain’s XCM context.

type SovereignAccountOf = (ParentIsPreset<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>, SiblingParachainConvertsVia<Sibling, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>, AccountId32Aliases<RelayNetwork, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>)

How to get an AccountId value from a MultiLocation, useful for handling asset locks.

type TrustedLockers = ()

The assets which we consider a given origin is trusted if they claim to have placed a lock.

type UniversalLocation = UniversalLocation

This chain’s Universal Location.

type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds<UnitWeightCost, RuntimeCall, MaxInstructions>

Means of measuring the weight consumed by an XCM message locally.

type WeightInfo = TestWeightInfo

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

type XcmExecuteFilter = Nothing

Our XCM filter which messages to be executed using XcmExecutor must pass.

type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>

Something to execute an XCM message.

type XcmReserveTransferFilter = Nothing

Our XCM filter which messages to be reserve-transferred using the dedicated extrinsic must pass.

type XcmRouter = (ParentAsUmp<Pallet<Runtime>, Pallet<Runtime>, ()>, Pallet<Runtime>)

The type used to actually dispatch an XCM to its destination.

type XcmTeleportFilter = Everything

Our XCM filter which messages to be teleported using the dedicated extrinsic must pass.



impl Config for Runtime


type AccountData = AccountData<u128>

The data to be stored in an account.


type AccountId = <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId

The identifier used to distinguish between accounts.


type BaseCallFilter = Everything

The basic call filter to use in dispatchable.


type Block = Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>

The header type.


type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount

Maximum number of block number to block hash mappings to keep (oldest pruned first).


type BlockLength = RuntimeBlockLength

The maximum length of a block (in bytes).


type BlockWeights = RuntimeBlockWeights

Block & extrinsics weights: base values and limits.


type DbWeight = RocksDbWeight

The weight of database operations that the runtime can invoke.


type Hash = H256

The type for hashing blocks and tries.


type Hashing = BlakeTwo256

The hashing algorithm used.


type Lookup = AccountIdLookup<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>

The lookup mechanism to get account ID from whatever is passed in dispatchers.


type Nonce = u32

The index type for storing how many extrinsics an account has signed.


type OnKilledAccount = ()

What to do if an account is fully reaped from the system.


type OnNewAccount = ()

What to do if a new account is created.


type OnSetCode = ParachainSetCode<Runtime>

The set code logic..


type PalletInfo = PalletInfo

Converts a module to the index of the module in construct_runtime!.

This type is being generated by construct_runtime!.


type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall

The aggregated dispatch type that is available for extrinsics.


type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The ubiquitous event type.


type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin

The ubiquitous origin type.


type SS58Prefix = SS58PrefixT1rn

This is used as an identifier of the chain. use t1 prefix


type SystemWeightInfo = ()

Weight information for the extrinsics of this pallet.


type Version = Version

Version of the runtime.


type MaxConsumers = ConstU32<16>

The maximum number of consumers allowed on a single account.

impl Config for Runtime


type BaseDeposit = PreimageBaseDeposit

The base deposit for placing a preimage on chain.

type ByteDeposit = PreimageByteDeposit

The per-byte deposit for placing a preimage on chain.

type Currency = Pallet<Runtime, ()>

Currency type for this pallet.

type ManagerOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

An origin that can request a preimage be placed on-chain without a deposit or fee, or manage existing preimages.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

The Weight information for this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type MaxScheduledPerBlock = MaxScheduledPerBlock

The maximum number of scheduled calls in the queue for a single block. Read more

type MaximumWeight = MaximumSchedulerWeight

The maximum weight that may be scheduled per block for any dispatchables.

type OriginPrivilegeCmp = OriginPrivilegeCmp

Compare the privileges of origins. Read more

type PalletsOrigin = OriginCaller

The caller origin, overarching type of all pallets origins.

type Preimages = Pallet<Runtime>

The preimage provider with which we look up call hashes to get the call.

type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall

The aggregated call type.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin

The aggregated origin which the dispatch will take.

type ScheduleOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

Required origin to schedule or cancel calls.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type Moment = u64

A timestamp: milliseconds since the unix epoch.


type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod

The minimum period between blocks. Beware that this is different to the expected period that the block production apparatus provides. Your chosen consensus system will generally work with this to determine a sensible block time. e.g. For Aura, it will be double this period on default settings.

type OnTimestampSet = Pallet<Runtime>

Something which can be notified when the timestamp is set. Set this to () if not needed.

type WeightInfo = ()

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type Keys = SessionKeys

The keys.

type NextSessionRotation = PeriodicSessions<Period, Offset>

Something that can predict the next session rotation. This should typically come from the same logical unit that provides [ShouldEndSession], yet, it gives a best effort estimate. It is helpful to implement [EstimateNextNewSession].

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type SessionHandler = <SessionKeys as OpaqueKeys>::KeyTypeIdProviders

Handler when a session has changed.

type SessionManager = Pallet<Runtime>

Handler for managing new session.

type ShouldEndSession = PeriodicSessions<Period, Offset>

Indicator for when to end the session.

type ValidatorId = <Runtime as Config>::AccountId

A stable ID for a validator.

type ValidatorIdOf = IdentityCollator

A conversion from account ID to validator ID. Read more

type WeightInfo = ()

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type ExecuteOverweightOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

Origin which is allowed to execute overweight messages.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>


impl Config for Runtime


type Currency = Pallet<Runtime, ()>

The currency mechanism.

type KickThreshold = Period


type MaxCandidates = MaxCandidates

Maximum number of candidates that we should have. Read more

type MaxInvulnerables = MaxInvulnerables

Maximum number of invulnerables.

type MinEligibleCollators = MinCandidates

Minimum number eligible collators. Should always be greater than zero. This includes Invulnerable collators. This ensures that there will always be one collator who can produce a block.

type PotId = PotId

Account Identifier from which the internal Pot is generated.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

Overarching event type.

type UpdateOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

Origin that can dictate updating parameters of this pallet.

type ValidatorId = <Runtime as Config>::AccountId

A stable ID for a validator.

type ValidatorIdOf = IdentityCollator

A conversion from account ID to validator ID. Read more

type ValidatorRegistration = Pallet<Runtime>

Validate a user is registered

type WeightInfo = ()

The weight information of this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>


impl Config for Runtime


type AllowMultipleBlocksPerSlot = ConstBool<false>

Whether to allow block authors to create multiple blocks per slot. Read more

type AuthorityId = Public

The identifier type for an authority.

type DisabledValidators = ()

A way to check whether a given validator is disabled and should not be authoring blocks. Blocks authored by a disabled validator will lead to a panic as part of this module’s initialization.

type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities

The maximum number of authorities that the pallet can hold.

impl Config for Runtime


type PalletsOrigin = OriginCaller

The caller origin, overarching type of all pallets origins.

type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall

The overarching call type.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

impl Config for Runtime


type ChannelInfo = Pallet<Runtime>

Information on the avaialble XCMP channels.

type ControllerOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

The origin that is allowed to resume or suspend the XCMP queue.

type ControllerOriginConverter = (SovereignSignedViaLocation<(ParentIsPreset<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>, SiblingParachainConvertsVia<Sibling, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>, AccountId32Aliases<RelayNetwork, <<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>), RuntimeOrigin>, RelayChainAsNative<RelayChainOrigin, RuntimeOrigin>, SiblingParachainAsNative<Origin, RuntimeOrigin>, SignedAccountId32AsNative<RelayNetwork, RuntimeOrigin>, XcmPassthrough<RuntimeOrigin>)

The conversion function used to attempt to convert an XCM MultiLocation origin to a superuser origin.

type ExecuteOverweightOrigin = EnsureRoot<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId>

The origin that is allowed to execute overweight messages.

type PriceForSiblingDelivery = ()

The price for delivering an XCM to a sibling parachain destination.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent


type VersionWrapper = Pallet<Runtime>

Means of converting an Xcm into a VersionedXcm.

type WeightInfo = SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

The weight information of this pallet.

type XcmExecutor = XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>

Something to execute an XCM message. We need this to service the XCMoXCMP queue.

impl Config for Runtime


type EventHandler = (Pallet<Runtime>,)

An event handler for authored blocks.

type FindAuthor = FindAccountFromAuthorIndex<Runtime, Pallet<Runtime>>

Find the author of a block.

impl Config for Runtime


type CheckAssociatedRelayNumber = RelayNumberStrictlyIncreases

Something that can check the associated relay parent block number.

type DmpMessageHandler = Pallet<Runtime>

The message handler that will be invoked when messages are received via DMP.

type OnSystemEvent = ()

Something which can be notified when the validation data is set.

type OutboundXcmpMessageSource = Pallet<Runtime>

The place where outbound XCMP messages come from. This is queried in finalize_block.

type ReservedDmpWeight = ReservedDmpWeight

The weight we reserve at the beginning of the block for processing DMP messages.

type ReservedXcmpWeight = ReservedXcmpWeight

The weight we reserve at the beginning of the block for processing XCMP messages.

type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent

The overarching event type.

type SelfParaId = Pallet<Runtime>

Returns the parachain ID we are running with.

type XcmpMessageHandler = Pallet<Runtime>

The message handler that will be invoked when messages are received via XCMP. Read more

impl CoreV4<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn version() -> RuntimeVersion

Returns the version of the runtime.

fn execute_block(block: Block)

Execute the given block.

fn initialize_block(header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header)

Initialize a block with the given header.

impl Debug for Runtime


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl EnsureInherentsAreFirst<<Runtime as Config>::Block> for Runtime


fn ensure_inherents_are_first( block: &<Runtime as Config>::Block ) -> Result<(), u32>

Ensure the position of inherent is correct, i.e. they are before non-inherents. Read more

impl GetRuntimeBlockType for Runtime


type RuntimeBlock = <Runtime as Config>::Block

The RuntimeBlock type.

impl MetadataV2<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn metadata() -> OpaqueMetadata

Returns the metadata of a runtime.

fn metadata_at_version(version: u32) -> Option<OpaqueMetadata>

Returns the metadata at a given version. Read more

fn metadata_versions() -> Vec<u32>

Returns the supported metadata versions. Read more

impl OffchainWorkerApiV2<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn offchain_worker(header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header)

Starts the off-chain task for given block header.

impl PartialEq<Runtime> for Runtime


fn eq(&self, other: &Runtime) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl SessionKeysV1<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn generate_session_keys(seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Vec<u8>

Generate a set of session keys with optionally using the given seed. The keys should be stored within the keystore exposed via runtime externalities. Read more

fn decode_session_keys(encoded: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Vec<(Vec<u8>, KeyTypeId)>>

Decode the given public session keys. Read more

impl TaggedTransactionQueueV3<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>> for Runtime


fn validate_transaction( source: TransactionSource, tx: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic, block_hash: <Block as BlockT>::Hash ) -> TransactionValidity

Validate the transaction. Read more

impl TransactionPaymentApiV4<Block<Header<u32, BlakeTwo256>, UncheckedExtrinsic<MultiAddress<<<MultiSignature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId, ()>, RuntimeCall, MultiSignature, (CheckNonZeroSender<Runtime>, CheckSpecVersion<Runtime>, CheckTxVersion<Runtime>, CheckGenesis<Runtime>, CheckMortality<Runtime>, CheckNonce<Runtime>, CheckWeight<Runtime>, ChargeTransactionPayment<Runtime>)>>, u128> for Runtime


fn query_info( uxt: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic, len: u32 ) -> RuntimeDispatchInfo<Balance>


fn query_fee_details( uxt: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic, len: u32 ) -> FeeDetails<Balance>


fn query_weight_to_fee(weight: Weight) -> Balance


fn query_length_to_fee(length: u32) -> Balance


impl TypeInfo for Runtime


type Identity = Runtime

The type identifying for which type info is provided. Read more

fn type_info() -> Type

Returns the static type identifier for Self.

impl ValidateUnsigned for Runtime


type Call = RuntimeCall

The call to validate

fn pre_dispatch(call: &Self::Call) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>

Validate the call right before dispatch. Read more

fn validate_unsigned( source: TransactionSource, call: &Self::Call ) -> TransactionValidity

Return the validity of the call Read more

impl Config for Runtime


impl Config for Runtime


impl Config for Runtime


impl Copy for Runtime


impl Eq for Runtime


impl StructuralEq for Runtime


impl StructuralPartialEq for Runtime

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Any for Twhere T: Any,


fn into_any(self: Box<T, Global>) -> Box<dyn Any, Global>


fn into_any_rc(self: Rc<T, Global>) -> Rc<dyn Any, Global>


fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str


impl<T> AnySync for Twhere T: Any + Send + Sync,


fn into_any_arc(self: Arc<T, Global>) -> Arc<dyn Any + Sync + Send, Global>


impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CheckedConversion for T


fn checked_from<T>(t: T) -> Option<Self>where Self: TryFrom<T>,

Convert from a value of T into an equivalent instance of Option<Self>. Read more

fn checked_into<T>(self) -> Option<T>where Self: TryInto<T>,

Consume self to return Some equivalent value of Option<T>. Read more

impl<T> Conv for T


fn conv<T>(self) -> Twhere Self: Into<T>,

Converts self into T using Into<T>. Read more

impl<T> DynClone for Twhere T: Clone,


fn __clone_box(&self, _: Private) -> *mut ()


impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Qwhere Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Qwhere Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<T> FmtForward for T


fn fmt_binary(self) -> FmtBinary<Self>where Self: Binary,

Causes self to use its Binary implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_display(self) -> FmtDisplay<Self>where Self: Display,

Causes self to use its Display implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_exp(self) -> FmtLowerExp<Self>where Self: LowerExp,

Causes self to use its LowerExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_hex(self) -> FmtLowerHex<Self>where Self: LowerHex,

Causes self to use its LowerHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_octal(self) -> FmtOctal<Self>where Self: Octal,

Causes self to use its Octal implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_pointer(self) -> FmtPointer<Self>where Self: Pointer,

Causes self to use its Pointer implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_exp(self) -> FmtUpperExp<Self>where Self: UpperExp,

Causes self to use its UpperExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_hex(self) -> FmtUpperHex<Self>where Self: UpperHex,

Causes self to use its UpperHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_list(self) -> FmtList<Self>where &'a Self: for<'a> IntoIterator,

Formats each item in a sequence. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IsType<T> for T


fn from_ref(t: &T) -> &T

Cast reference.

fn into_ref(&self) -> &T

Cast reference.

fn from_mut(t: &mut T) -> &mut T

Cast mutable reference.

fn into_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Cast mutable reference.

impl<T, Outer> IsWrappedBy<Outer> for Twhere Outer: AsRef<T> + AsMut<T> + From<T>, T: From<Outer>,


fn from_ref(outer: &Outer) -> &T

Get a reference to the inner from the outer.


fn from_mut(outer: &mut Outer) -> &mut T

Get a mutable reference to the inner from the outer.


impl<T> Pipe for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn pipe<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R) -> Rwhere Self: Sized,

Pipes by value. This is generally the method you want to use. Read more

fn pipe_ref<'a, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R) -> Rwhere R: 'a,

Borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_ref_mut<'a, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> R) -> Rwhere R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow<'a, B, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a B) -> R) -> Rwhere Self: Borrow<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.borrow() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow_mut<'a, B, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut B) -> R ) -> Rwhere Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.borrow_mut() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_as_ref<'a, U, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a U) -> R) -> Rwhere Self: AsRef<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.as_ref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_as_mut<'a, U, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut U) -> R) -> Rwhere Self: AsMut<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.as_mut() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref<'a, T, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a T) -> R) -> Rwhere Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.deref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref_mut<'a, T, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut T) -> R ) -> Rwhere Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.deref_mut() into the pipe function.

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = mem::align_of::<T>()

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Same<T> for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> SaturatedConversion for T


fn saturated_from<T>(t: T) -> Selfwhere Self: UniqueSaturatedFrom<T>,

Convert from a value of T into an equivalent instance of Self. Read more

fn saturated_into<T>(self) -> Twhere Self: UniqueSaturatedInto<T>,

Consume self to return an equivalent value of T. Read more

impl<T> Tap for T


fn tap(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Immutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_mut(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Mutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Selfwhere Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Borrow<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow_mut<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Selfwhere Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the BorrowMut<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Selfwhere Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the AsRef<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref_mut<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Selfwhere Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the AsMut<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Selfwhere Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref_mut<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Selfwhere Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_mut_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Selfwhere Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_mut_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Selfwhere Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Selfwhere Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_mut_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Selfwhere Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Selfwhere Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_mut_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Selfwhere Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

impl<T> ToOwned for Twhere T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> TryConv for T


fn try_conv<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>where Self: TryInto<T>,

Attempts to convert self into T using TryInto<T>. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<S, T> UncheckedInto<T> for Swhere T: UncheckedFrom<S>,


fn unchecked_into(self) -> T

The counterpart to unchecked_from.

impl<T, S> UniqueSaturatedInto<T> for Swhere T: Bounded, S: TryInto<T>,


fn unique_saturated_into(self) -> T

Consume self to return an equivalent value of T.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for Twhere V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

impl<T> JsonSchemaMaybe for T


impl<T> MaybeDebug for Twhere T: Debug,


impl<T> MaybeRefUnwindSafe for Twhere T: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<T> MaybeSend for Twhere T: Send,


impl<T> Member for Twhere T: Send + Sync + Debug + Eq + PartialEq<T> + Clone + 'static,


impl<T> StaticTypeInfo for Twhere T: TypeInfo + 'static,