pub type SettlementsPerRound<T>where
    T: Config, = StorageDoubleMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageSettlementsPerRound<T>, Blake2_128, RoundInfo<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number>, Identity, <T as Config>::Hash, Settlement<<T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config>::Assets as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::AssetId>, OptionQuery, GetDefault, GetDefault>;
Expand description

Storage type is [StorageDoubleMap] with key1 type RoundInfo < BlockNumberFor < T > >, key2 type T :: Hash and value type Settlement < T :: AccountId, < T :: Currency as Currency < T :: AccountId > > :: Balance, < T :: Assets as Inspect < T :: AccountId > > :: AssetId, >.