pub type AllPalletsWithoutSystem = (Timestamp, Aura, Grandpa, Utility, Balances, TransactionPayment, Assets, AssetTxPayment, AccountManager, Treasury, EscrowTreasury, FeeTreasury, ParachainTreasury, SlashTreasury, Clock, XDNS, Attesters, Rewards, ContractsRegistry, Circuit, Vacuum, ThreeVm, Contracts, Evm, AccountMapping, Ethereum, Portal, RococoBridge, PolkadotBridge, KusamaBridge, EthereumBridge, SepoliaBridge, CelestiaLightClient, Identity, RandomnessCollectiveFlip, MaintenanceMode, Sudo);
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All pallets included in the runtime as a nested tuple of types. Excludes the System pallet.