use crate::{
migration::{IsFinished, MigrationStep},
Config, Pallet, TrieId, Weight, LOG_TARGET,
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
use sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use frame_support::{codec, pallet_prelude::*, storage_alias, DefaultNoBound};
use sp_std::{marker::PhantomData, prelude::*};
mod old {
use super::*;
#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct DeletedContract {
pub(crate) trie_id: TrieId,
pub type DeletionQueue<T: Config> = StorageValue<Pallet<T>, Vec<DeletedContract>>;
#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen, DefaultNoBound, Clone)]
pub struct DeletionQueueManager<T: Config> {
insert_counter: u32,
delete_counter: u32,
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
#[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", feature = "try-runtime"))]
pub fn fill_old_queue<T: Config>(len: usize) {
let queue: Vec<old::DeletedContract> = core::iter::repeat_with(|| old::DeletedContract {
trie_id: Default::default(),
type DeletionQueue<T: Config> = StorageMap<Pallet<T>, Twox64Concat, u32, TrieId>;
type DeletionQueueCounter<T: Config> = StorageValue<Pallet<T>, DeletionQueueManager<T>, ValueQuery>;
#[derive(Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, DefaultNoBound)]
pub struct Migration<T: Config> {
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: Config> MigrationStep for Migration<T> {
const VERSION: u16 = 11;
fn max_step_weight() -> Weight {
fn step(&mut self) -> (IsFinished, Weight) {
let Some(old_queue) = old::DeletionQueue::<T>::take() else {
return (IsFinished::Yes, Weight::zero())
let len = old_queue.len();
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Migrating deletion queue with {} deleted contracts",
if !old_queue.is_empty() {
let mut queue = DeletionQueueManager::<T>::default();
for contract in old_queue {
<DeletionQueue<T>>::insert(queue.insert_counter, contract.trie_id);
queue.insert_counter += 1;
T::WeightInfo::v11_migration_step(len as u32),
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn pre_upgrade_step() -> Result<Vec<u8>, TryRuntimeError> {
let old_queue = old::DeletionQueue::<T>::take().unwrap_or_default();
if old_queue.is_empty() {
let len = 10u32;
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Injecting {len} entries to deletion queue to test migration"
fill_old_queue::<T>(len as usize);
return Ok(len.encode())
Ok((old_queue.len() as u32).encode())
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn post_upgrade_step(state: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), TryRuntimeError> {
let len = <u32 as Decode>::decode(&mut &state[..])
.expect("pre_upgrade_step provides a valid state; qed");
let counter = <DeletionQueueCounter<T>>::get();
ensure!(counter.insert_counter == len, "invalid insert counter");
ensure!(counter.delete_counter == 0, "invalid delete counter");